Saturday, October 27, 2012

                                                       luster: metallic or nonmetallic.

                                                  Color: How the mineral looks like.

streak: powder color of a mineral.
hardness: how hand the minerals are.
cleavage: would break in a line.
fracture: would break unevenly.
composition: what is inside the mineral.
Crystals- In Crystals grow table, we made water be come hot first, that we mixing of the Minerals of the water, one spoon at a time. when the Minerals can not melting, hat we waited the Minerals become grow. The Minerals become Crystals. The color of the crystal was white. The luster of the crystal was non-metallic because it didn't looks like metal. The Rocks are make up of mineral.
metamorphic rock: the effect of heat and prssure on other rock.
magam: liquid rock produced under the earth's surface.
soildification: it's when meited rock turns into haid rock.
igneous rock: that forms when magma cools and solidifies.
weathering: rocks and other moterials break down or earths surface.
erosion: moving weatherd moterial place to place.
sediment: broken pieses of rock.
compaction: combine sediments together or push.
cementation: glued together.
sedimentary rock: sediments combine and glued together is sedimentary rock.

Friday, October 12, 2012

About me

Science is interesting.
I like listen music and watch movie.
History scares me.
Dumplings is my favorite food.
I will be a can help the people who need help when I grow up.
I have 1sister.
My favorite color is sky blue.
My favorite thing to do is watch movie.
Watch out for the quiz.
I wish have a good life.